Okręgowa Spółdzielnia Mleczarska we Włoszczowie
ul. Kochanowskiego 1
29-100 Włoszczowa
KRS 0000125546
NIP 6560000033
REGON 000438179

The internal report form of a legal violation

Download the instructions for reporting irregularities
Reporter's details
  By making an anonymous report, you lose the ability to handle and communicate it.
  w rozumieniu art. 1 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 18 lutego 1994 r. o zaopatrzeniu emerytalnym funkcjonariuszy Policji, Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego, Agencji Wywiadu, Służby Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego, Służby Wywiadu Wojskowego, Centralnego Biura Antykorupcyjnego, Straży Granicznej, Straży Marszałkowskiej, Służby Ochrony Państwa, Państwowej Straży Pożarnej, Służby Celno-Skarbowej i Służby Więziennej oraz ich rodzin (Dz. U. z 2023 r. poz. 1280, 1429 i 1834)w rozumieniu art. 2 pkt 39 ustawy z dnia 11 marca 2022 r. o obronie Ojczyzny (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 248 i 834)
Subject of the legal violation
Content of the report

Describe in detail your suspicions and the circumstances of their occurrence according to the knowledge you possess. Please include, among others:
1) the date and place of the occurrence of the irregularity (or the date and place of obtaining information about the irregularity),
2) a description of the specific situation or circumstances that create the possibility of the irregularity,
3) information about persons who committed irregularities,
4) all evidence and information that may be helpful in the process of reviewing the irregularity.

Data of the persons concerned by the report
Witnesses to irregularities
Attachments and evidence in the case

  Files extension: jpg, png, pdf, mp3. Maximum 10 MB. Attention! Metadata is not removed from MPEG files.

Whether irregularities have been reported to another authority/whether an external report has been made?
Password to preview the handling of the report

I declare that by submitting this notification:

  1. I act in good faith,
  2. I have reasonable belief that the allegations contained in the disclosed information are true,
  3. I am not disclosing for profit,
  4. The disclosed information is consistent with my knowledge and I have disclosed all facts and circumstances known to me regarding the subject of the report,
  5. I am familiar with the OKRĘGOWA SPÓŁDZIELNIA MLECZARSKA WE WŁOSZCZOWIE procedure for reporting cases of irregularities and protecting persons making reports.
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